About me

I'm Kubilay Yardimli, 1st year student of MMI (Multimedia and Internet) in Montbéliard.

I am passionate about graphic design and audiovisual. Having the opportunity to create a website is an opportunity to gain new experiences!

I let you visit my website!

The "Notes for Later" project consists of presenting my future self with elements such as a place, a book, a film, music, as well as a fear and hope of our generation. The aim is to talk about things that have particularly marked our youth and that can be revisited with nostalgia in the future.

For this project I decided to create a website to make a retrospective of my tastes and passions. I chose elements that are important to me, and I put emphasis on the work behind each work or project. As a first year MMI student at the IUT of Belfort-Montbéliard, these articles reflect part of my background and education.