Saint Sophia

The MONUMENT that left

its mark on MANY people

Saint Sophia or Aya Sofia - Istanbul

Saint Sophia or Aya Sofia - Istanbul

What is

Saint Sophia ?

Saint Sophia is undoubtedly the most famous monument in Istanbul, it is currently a mosque but formerly a Christian Basilica. The name of the mosque comes from the Greek Hagia Sophia which means "holy wisdom", but with the passing of time and the Turkish language today Hagia Sophia is called Ayasofya. It is an important monument for both Muslims and Christians.

Saint Sophia is an ancient Christian basilica founded at the time of Constantinople, more precisely in the 4th century, but rebuilt several times following several incidents. The one we know today is much bigger than the one before, it was rebuilt in the 6th century. But in the time of Sultan Mehmed II (15th century), Hagia Sophia was transformed into a mosque.

Saint Sophia is a strong symbol of the power of Byzantium, but it is also a perfect representation of Byzantine art and architecture through its structure and mosaics, and a perfect representation of the Ottoman art and architecture that transformed it completely. Hagia Sophia is located in the historical district of Istanbul, Sultanahmet, on the European side of Istanbul.

Istanbul, Saint Sophia picture by Pascal Sébah, around 1870
Istanbul, Saint Sophia picture by Pascal Sébah, around 1870
Istanbul, Saint Sophia around 1854
Istanbul, Saint Sophia around 1854
Istanbul, Saint Sophia
Istanbul, Saint Sophia
Istanbul, Saint Sophia 1900
Istanbul, Saint Sophia 1900

We'll look at its history

The construction of Hagia Sophia began in 532, at the request of Emperor Justinian. The emperor appointed the physicist Isidore of Miletus and the mathematician Anthemios of Tralles to supervise the construction of the basilica, which was built on the site of an ancient Greek temple.

The materials of Hagia Sophia are not ordinary, as they have a varied origin. The stones come from a quarry in Greece, more precisely the stones of an ancient Greek city.

For information, the pillars of the Temple of Artemis (one of the wonders of the ancient world) currently located in Ephesus, Turkey (540km from Istanbul) were used for the construction of Hagia Sophia. The basilica was built in 5 years, and it is estimated that more than 10,000 workers were involved in its construction.

Hagia Sophia represents Byzantine and Ottoman craftsmanship, art, and architecture. All the architecture such as the mosaics, the dome and the columns are still today a reference of Byzantine architecture and art. The architecture and style of Hagia Sophia has an important worldwide influence, not only in the architecture of the Eastern Orthodox Church, but also in the architecture of Catholic churches and some mosques.

Interior of Saint Sophia

Interior of Saint Sophia

Why is marked me ?

This place has marked me and is important for me because it traces my origins, being Turkish it represents an important place for Turkey and its history, visiting it and learning about its powerful history, it touched me.